Flau’jae delivers an electrifying freestyle over Tommy Richman’s hit observe “Million Greenback Child,” showcasing her infectious stream. Her hard-hitting bars take heart stage, proving...
On today in 2007, the “outdated” Kanye launched his third studio album, the final of his scholastically themed albums, which is aptly titled Commencement...
Stay Nation City introduced right this moment that Lil Wayne’s artist-curated competition, Lil’ WeezyAna Fest, will return to his hometown of New Orleans on...
Delivering one of many summer time’s most anticipated visuals, fast-rising Flauge Leisure/ROC Nation distribution Hip Hop recording artist, lyricist, songwriter, and NCAA girls’s basketball champion Flau’jae continues serving...
After a twenty-plus 12 months tenure in Hip-Hop, not many artists have the person star energy in addition to robust relationships, numerous hits and...